Arsenic and Grandma’s Refrigerator: Horror Told in Colours

HWA Chicago member Jordan Triplett is publishing her first anthology! Subs are open until July 7th and a planned release date of February 1, 2025. The antho is called Arsenic and Grandma’s Refrigerator: Horror Told in Colours and will contain stories inspired by or incorporating a colour you’d find on a paint swatch (i.e., Dead Salmon, Hold the Chocolate Syrup, Mom, etc.)

The stories should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words, and the author has complete choice of colour, style, and topic so long as it fits with theme. I’m asking that along with their story submission, authors also include an author intro and a short explanation of how their chosen colour inspired or was integrated into their submission.
This is a paid opportunity for the accepted authors as well. Upon acceptance, each author will receive a $15 one-time payout. The accepted authors will share 50% of the royalties with the first payout six months after publication and a subsequent payout once a year for 4 years after publication.
All the details, along with the place to submit, can be found on this form: